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This website aims to bridge the gap between the holistic view of Ayurveda and modern research. Here, you can search for definitions and explanations of Ayurvedic terms. The website provides detailed information on 280 individual plants, including the parts of the plants used for medicinal purposes. You can also search for data on different doshas (afflictions) and plants that have a positive effect on these doshas. The website also references the latest research on plant-based disease cures The search fields include: Plant name (Botanical/Hindi/Sanskrit) Disease/dosha as per Ayurveda Medicinal use as per modern research Ayurvedic terms and explanations. How to navigate Search Plant name (Botanical/Hindi/Sanskrit) to get detailed information on doshas it will correct , Medicinal use of plant (part of plant) as per modern research, reference quote from SUSHRUT SAHINTA Search Disease/dosha as per Ayurveda to get Name of plant with parts used as medicine Search medicinal use as per modern classification to get pants having bearing on those classification Search Aryuvedic terms to get detailed information as per SUSHURUT SAHINTA